Have you ever noticed that although your upholstery often looks clean when you use conventional cleaning methods, upon closer inspection you still see dirt and stains in the background? Or perhaps you have noticed that every time you you wash your favorite Chiffon blanket the colors become more and more faded out? This is likely because you are unfamiliar with the individual cleaning methods each particular upholstery fabric requires. Upholstery cleaning is not laundry and it is more complicated than simply separating darks and lights, it also includes separating delicates and regulating water temperature as well.
Over 10 years of experience have helped NYCarpet Cleaning to develop the most appropriate cleaning techniques for the removal of delicate stains. Perhaps you never knew that you cannot get rid of a bloodstain and an oil stain by using the same technique. Nor can you use the same cleaning agent to get rid of them. There are numerous further complications that when not carefully taken care of run the risk of ruining your fine upholstery.
For much of our upholstery cleaning we turn to the hot water extraction method which not only brings back the color and texture of your upholstery, it also renders it totally bacteria and allergen free. If you can no longer sit on your favorite couch because your pet's hair causes you to have allergic reactions, now is the time to have NYCarpet Cleaning come out to your place and return your favorite chair back to you!
NYCarpet Cleaning also provides a complete leather cleaning service. We apply a leather cleanser to remove all traces of soiling from the surface of the leather hide, followed by a protective coating which not only makes your leather shine, it also protects it against future spills and wear and tear.