Cleaning Service
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House Cleaning

House cleaning is a pain and no one in the entire world enjoys it. Well, almost no one. We say almost because the truth is that NYCarpet Cleaning actually loves house cleaning, and why wouldn't we? We're quick, we're efficient, we have the tools to make our work last, and we have the greatest team of staff members who know that customer service can make or break a deal.

Our house cleaning services combine several of our individual cleaning services into a cleaning package for an agreed upon price. All of our cleaning techs are fully checked and qualified to carry out their assigned cleaning duties. NYCarpet Cleaning employees are professional, polite, and private. We know that your home is your safe zone and we want you to feel comfortable with us in your space.

Our Magic Meets Your Home

Whether your home is need of a deep clean or perhaps just a small clean up before an event, NYCarpet Cleaning has got your back!

Call 212-380-1219 to find out more about our services:

  • Deep cleaning bathrooms
  • Deep cleaning kitchens
  • Floor mopping and vacuuming
  • Bathroom tile and ceramic cleaning
  • Carpet cleaning, shampooing, and stain removal
  • Window cleaning
  • Upholstery cleaning and sprucing
  • Hardwood floor cleaning and buffing
  • Move in and Move out cleaning
  • Stove and oven cleaning
  • Ventilation grills, doors, ledges, and sills
  • Almost everything else under the sun!

What Are The Real Benefits?

All of our products for all of our services are certified 100% non-toxic, non-irritant, and biodegradable. This way you can be sure that your family and your pets are super safe.

Routine home maintenance is a must for retaining clean and quality indoor air. The longer you wait to clean, the greater the chances are that bacteria and soil variants make your home a home for themselves as well. Please let us know about the status of your home when you call to schedule an appointment. And don't be embarrassed...we've seen it all.

Call To Schedule Today!

We look forward to working with you and your family soon! Call for a free price estimate!

NYCarpet Cleaning
Phone: 212-380-1219
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
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