Cleaning Service
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NYCarpet Cleaning

Is your home a little overdue for cleaning? Houses notoriously hold on to particulates, dirt, dander and more unless they are cleaned on a routine basis. A house and its systems need to be continuously checked and cleaned in order to get rid of all of the bacterial residue. Return your home to its previous pristine splendor with our professional deep cleaning of your rugs, carpets, wood floors, upholstery, air ducts, tile, and grout, and more!

Remove the residue from your house and feel the relief of knowing your home is clean. Cleaning your house using our professional services gets rid of this unwanted particle pollution and stops bacterial debris from flying about your house. You can prevent dust, dander, and allergens from circulating through your air ducts by having them cleaned and allowing your HVAC system to filter air the way it is intended to. Studies show that having your HVAC system cleaned will keep your allergies from acting up and protect your family's respiratory health.

Save Time, Spare The Mistakes

Having your house cleaned by our professional services saves you time, money, and most of all, improves your health. When you have your house professionally cleaned, you get the advantage of the experience, technology, and materials the professionals have to tackle the job. Don't stress about cleaning the house and getting everything you need together and even possibly making old stains worse. Let our professional services clean your upholstery, rugs, and wood floors. We will use our knowledge to treat and lift stains and to make your floors look brand new and clean.

Why wait, get started on removing bacteria and allergens from your home now. Call NYCarpet Cleaning professional cleaning services to make an appointment today.

Professional Cleaning Services
Upholstery Cleaning Service

A Service For Pet Parents

We all love our pets. However, repeated pet accidents on carpet will eventually lead to carpet replacement if they are not treated properly and in time, every time. NYCarpet Cleaning's pet
stain removal service use the power of
enriched enzymes to neutralize odor and
remove any associated stains or discoloration. In the end your pet will not be able to identify their marked places, and neither will you.

Area Rug Cleaning Service

Are Your Part of the 90%?

Modern life has forced us in doors and most Americans spend at least 90% of their time indoors. Recent studies have shown that paradoxically, indoor air quality is on the decline and that our homes risk being 2 to 5 times more polluted than the outdoors. NYCarpet Cleaning's home and office cleaning services can help you protect yourself by cleaning our layers of indoor air pollution.

NYCarpet Cleaning
Phone: 212-380-1219
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
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